Breast augmentation
AKA”boob job” as commonlyknownis theprocedure, whichaims to increase yourbreast size with the help of eitherbreast implantsoryour own fat.
Hybrid breast augmentation
This is a holistic approach to breast augmentation, aiming to increase your breast size and improve shape with the help of BOTH breast implants and your own fat.
Breast lift
Mastopexy, commonly known as breast lift, is the procedure carried out on sagging, droopy breasts with the intention of lifting the breast, improving its contour and making it perkier by means of removal of excess skin and possibly tissue.
Breast Reduction
Excessively large breasts may inflict upon a patient both psychological as well as physical stresses leading to disruption in daily activity as well as social interactions. In such circumstances undergoing a breast reduction to removed excess breast tissue with resultant smaller, more manageable breasts may be a life changing experience.