Bullhorn / lip lift

This simple yet quite effective procedure mainly elevates the upper lip. It will also lead indirectly to a degree of improved upper lip show, effectively giving more upper lip volume.

Who is a suitable candidate for a bullhorn / lip lift?

If you feel that over time your upper lip has lost volume and shape giving you an aged perioral look or if you see that the distance between your nose and your upper lip is disproportionate, then this could be an ideal option for you. Make sure that this is something that you feel strongly about and not what someone else is encouraging you to have done.

Evaluation for a bullhorn / lip lift!

During consultation for a bullhorn lift you have to be open regarding your goals and what you would like to achieve. You will also need to disclose your medical and medication history. The surgeon will examine your upper lip and its relation to your nose. He/she will measure the distance between the two to assess if you are suitable for the procedure and how the lip lift will affect the shape of your upper lip.

How is a bullhorn / lip lift done?

In the vast majority of patients, the bullhorn / lip lift is done under local anaesthesia. The incision is placed just below your nose, closely following its lower contour, so as to make the scar as camouflaged as possible. A certain amount of skin is removed in the shape of a bullhorn –hence the name- and the defect closed with non-absorbable sutures. 

Risks associated with bullhorn / lip lift!

As with any surgery there is always a risk of bleeding, infection and delayed wound healing or unfavourable scarring and asymmetry.

Recovery from a bullhorn / lip lift

Following lip lift surgery you will be taken back to your room and allowed to rest for a few hours. Application of intermittent cold compress is recommended at home to limit the variable degree of swelling and bruising experienced. Mild discomfort and tightness is alleviated with oral medication. Removal of sutures usually occurs after 7-9 days following the procedure.