Liposuction aims to improve the contour, shape and size of various body areas by removing excess fatty deposits. It can be done alone or in combination with other surgical procedures. Please be advised that this treatment is not a suitable substitute for diet and exercise or cellulite.
Who could benefit from liposuction?
To undergo liposuction is a very private decision that should be made based on what YOU want and not to conform to someone else’s wishes.
Liposuction is ideal for areas of fat deposit that one finds hard to shift despite adequate dieting and exercise. It is best suited if you are within 25-30% of your ideal body weight, have good elastic skin and are otherwise fit and healthy.
Evaluation for Liposuction!
Your surgeon would want to know why you would like to have liposuction and what your expectations are. Apart from a detailed medical history, during a liposuction consultation your overall figure as well as areas of fat deposits will be evaluated and discussed. Your skin quality will also be taken into account. Photographs will be taken and the options available to you will be deliberated.
It is important that you understand all aspects of your planned liposuction and if unsure make sure to ask questions.
How is liposuction done?
Liposuction can be carried out under local or general anesthesia. The choice between the two depends on the number and size of the areas of concern. The procedure is carried out through small incisions, usually 4-5mm in size. After infiltration of the said areas with a fluid containing local anesthetic, a cannula is inserted for suctioning of the fatty tissue. Your surgeon may opt for either Vibration/Power Assisted Liposuction (VAL/PAL) or laser liposuction. The pros and cons of both methods will be discussed prior to liposuction and your surgeon will explain why, which method is best suited for your presentation. Once adequate amount of fatty tissue is removed the incisions are closed with non-absorbable sutures and a compression garment is applied over the wound dressings. Usually in one sitting not more than 5L is removed. If your needs are beyond the designated safe limit, then your surgeon would inform you of the need for a second procedure during consultation.
Risks associated with liposuction!
Apart from possible risks associated with general anaesthesia, as with any surgery there is always a risk of bleeding, infection, haematoma, and latent seroma formation. More specific risks related to liposuction are the risk of fat embolism, DVT and pulmonary embolism.
Recovery following liposuction
You will stay overnight following liposuction if you have had it under general anaesthesia. There may be some oozing of blood-tinged fluid from the incision sites overnight, which is absolutely normal. The liposuctioned areas will be tender and swollen for a good few weeks, possibly months. Your surgeon will prescribe painkillers and any other medication deemed necessary for you. The special compression garment provided will have to be worn for 8 weeks. During the first 2-4 weeks you should avoid strenuous activity and exercise. Sutures will need removing after a week. Following surgery you are expected to return to us for follow up visits after a week and then again at 3 months to evaluate the final outcome.