This is the surgical procedure that can alleviate symptoms women often complain about, associated with abnormally large labia minora, by reducing it in size/length.
Who is a suitable candidate for labiaplasty?
This operation can correct the size / length of labia minora and address any asymmetry. It is suitable for women who are suffering from discomfort during activities such as riding a bike, horse back riding, intercourse or even jogging attributed to the size of their labia. It may also be indicated in patients who are very much self-conscious of their unusually / asymmetric large labia.
Evaluation for Labiaplasty!
During consultation you have to disclose any existing medical conditions along with your reasoning for pursuing labiaplasty. Your surgeon will be keen to see if your expectations are realistic and will discuss surgical options tailored to your needs. You should make use of this opportunity and ask questions to ensure you are clear about the treatment plan so that you can make an informed decision.
How is labiaplasty done?
Labiaplasty is usually carried out under local anaesthesia unless the patient insists of sedation or general anaesthesia. Following administration of local anaesthesia, the excess labia is trimmed as per pre-operative markings. The amount of tissue to be removed is decided mutually by your surgeon and yourself, but commonly it is planned to be trimmed such that labia minora does not fall below labia majora. Following the excision, any visible bleeding is dealt with and the incision edges are then proximate with very fine absorbable sutures.
Risks associated with labiaplasty!
Labiaplasty, similar to any other surgical procedure may lead to complications such as infection, bleeding, asymmetry, changes in sensation, as well as poor scar healing. More specific to labiaplasty problems such as chronic dryness and discomfort during intercourse are associated usually with over resection.
Recovery from labiaplasty!
Following surgery you will spend a few hours in the hospital but discharged later that day once your surgeon is happy with your progress. Labiaplasty may be uncomfortable but the pain can easily be overcome with oral medication. You will be advised to refrain from routine daily activities during the first week post surgery. Swelling can be remedied by intermittent use of cold compression during this period. Sexual intercourse can only be resumed after 6 weeks even though residual swelling may last up to a few months. Sutures are absorbable and will usually fall off within two weeks.