Male breast reduction
Otherwise known as Gynecomastia surgery or reduction mammoplasty, aims to decrease the size/volume of breast tissue in men thus improving male chest contour.
Who is a suitable candidate for male breast reduction?
Gynecomastia is a condition of male breast overdevelopment. It has many underlying causes, which MUST first be addressed or excluded, before embarking on corrective surgery. Gynecomastia can cause psychological and emotional distress and lead to hindered social interactions. The ideal candidate would be a healthy individual with realistic expectations who is bothered by the overdevelopment of their breast.
Evaluation for Gynecomastia surgery!
During the consultation expect to be asked in detail about your medical history, regular medication history and if not already excluded, questions to ascertain the possible cause of your male breast overdevelopment. Your breasts will be examined; the quality of the skin as well as size and position of your nipple will be taken into consideration. Depending on the surgeons findings a number of possible options will be discussed with pros and cons of each detailed to allow you to come to a mutual agreement as to the best possible treatment plan for you.
How is male breast reduction carried out?
Prior to surgery you have to make sure you have had a full blood test, as directed by your surgeon as well as a breast ultrasound. The procedure can be carried out either under local or general anaesthesia depending on presentation and the extent of surgery. If your breast is primarily made up of fatty tissue then liposuction alone, under local anaesthesia, should suffice. If there were also a glandular component present but not too much skin, then a combination of liposuction and small tissue excision would be advised. However if there were a considerable skin element then the procedure would be a combination procedure under general anaesthesia.
Risks associated with male breast reduction!
As with any type of surgery there is always the risk of bleeding, infection and wound healing complications. If performed under general anaesthesia then of course there is an associated risk involved. It is possible that following surgery you will experience breast asymmetry, contour irregularities and changes in nipple sensation. Liposuction does carry the risk of fat embolism and pulmonary complications that although very small may be serious.
Recovery from male breast reduction!
Following surgery you may wake up with drains on either side, if you have the more extensive version of gynecomastectomy. An elastic compression band around your upper chest will also cover your dressings. Alternatively you may have been given a compression vest. This will help with your recovery and should be worn for 6-8 weeks. Your surgeon will provide you with painkillers and any other medication as required. If at any time you feel unwell or short of breath you need to seek medical attention immediately, otherwise you are expected to return for follow up visits at 1, 2 and 12 weeks intervals.